Offset-based pagination

Offset-based pagination

Access paginated data via an offset into the total dataset.

Offset-based pagination allows API consumers to configure the exact range of results to return.


  • Straightforward to implement for relational databases, as it maps one-to-one with SQL OFFSET and LIMIT clauses.
  • Supports random access to data.
  • Easier to support different sort or filter options.


  • Does not
  • If new data is added or removed from the dataset the data is still being retrieved, the results may become inconsistent.
  • Poor abstraction making it difficult to migrate database structures later.


Paginated APIs support two optional query parameters, offset and limit.

offsetThe starting point from which to return results. The first result has an offset of 0. Default is 0.
limitThe maximum number of results to return. Default is 100.

Not specifying any parameters returns the first page of results:

Default request


An offset can be specified to return subsequent pages of results.

With offset specified


Implementation notes

It is a good idea to enforce an upper limit for the limit parameter, to prevent consumers from exhausting your server's resources.

OpenAPI reference

  "openapi": "3.1.0",
  "info": {
    "title": "Offset-Based Pagination Example API",
    "version": "1.0.0"
  "paths": {
    "/records": {
      "get": {
        "summary": "list all records",
        "parameters": [
            "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Offset"
            "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Limit"
  "components": {
    "parameters": {
      "Offset": {
        "name": "offset",
        "in": "query",
        "description": "The starting point from which to return results. The first result has an offset of 0. Default is 0.",
        "required": false,
        "schema": {
          "type": "number",
          "minimum": 0,
          "default": 0
      "Limit": {
        "name": "limit",
        "in": "query",
        "description": "The maximum number of results to return. Default is 100.",
        "required": false,
        "schema": {
          "type": "number",
          "minimum": 1,
          "maximum": 100,
          "default": 100

Alternative design patterns

Hypermedia pagination

Navigate to related pages of data from links included with responses.

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Cursor-based pagination

Access paginated data via an opaque token.

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